Maskwacis Donation Drive

The Maskwacis Cree banded together to Support the Treaty 8 First Nations displaced by the Fort McMurray WildFire. The Maskwacis Donation Drive was started because we heard about all the support the First Nations like Mikisew Cree, Fort McKay, Athabasca Chipewyan, Chipewyan Prairie First Nation, Fort McMurray FN did before they were evacuated and what they did to support…

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ATHC – Treaties 2016

This past Alberta Treaty Hockey Championships that took place March 24-27 was a good one for Maskwacis as 7 teams came home with a medal. The U15 female team took silver losing to Enoch in the final, our Senior Novice team took bronze losing to Enoch by a protest. The peewee A Hawks team won gold beating Piikani…

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Great Turn out for Nipisis Gala

The evening of March 17, the Nipsis Cafe located in the Samson Cree Nation Band office held a gala dinner. 95 people were in attendance and more than half were people outside of our community. The evening had great food prepared by the staff of Nipsis Cafe and entertainment such as Live Art, singers and dancers, and the…

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SCN Leadership Promotes Drug testing

I had the opportunity to interview the SCN Council members Vernon Saddleback and Mario Swampy about the Drug Testing for SCN Leadership, that was conducted in Edmonton on March 9th, 2016. The news of the drug testing went viral on the internet,  because it’s a huge step in a positive way.  I put my first question…

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Tansi, Nihwahkomakanak,

First of all I would like to give thanks to our Creator for the many blessing bestowed upon us in our lives. Last month Chief and all Council participated in mandatory drug testing, this process is not new, it was started in Chief Victor Buffalo and Chief Marvin Yellowbird’s terms in office, as a way to ensure we…

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SCN Welcomes Minister of Aboriginal Affairs

On March 3, 2016 Samson Cree Nation welcomed the Alberta Indigenous Relations Minister, Richard Feehan to our Nation. The Chief and Council invited Minister Feehan to engage in an open dialogue on topics such as Water, Housing, Infrastructure, Income Support, Mental Health issues, Education and the processes needed to implement the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Peoples. The…

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60 Seconds

Kristopher Buffalo is the son of Kirk Buffalo & Pam Tailfeathers (Buffalo) of the Samson Cree Nation and Blood Tribe of Standoff. Kris is a Professional Freestyle Bull Fighter which is very different from the Protective Bull Fighting, because not only is he not wearing protective gear, it is his job to get as close as he…

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