Acimowin Volume 7 Issue 18
The Acimowin, Samson’s community newsletter, is available. Here is volume 7 issue 18.
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The Acimowin, Samson’s community newsletter, is available. Here is volume 7 issue 18.
Back in September 2019, Samson Councilor Kurt Buffalo organized a Buffalo Signing Treaty with the Four Nations of Maskwacis, the Peepeekisis Cree Nation and the Woodland Cree Nation. This is one of a few Buffalo Signing Treaties between the First Nations of North America. The buffalo disappeared about 150 years ago from the North American…
The Samson Community Wellness department (780-585-3634) will provide temporary shelter to those community members who are experiencing homelessness and need a warm place to stay for the night. If you see someone in need of shelter please call the Community Wellness After Hours: 780-335-5953 or the Maskwacis Mobile Mental Health Crisis Unit at 780-362-2150. There…
The Australian hockey team the Kaurna Boomerangs played a game against the Maskwacis Hawks on January 13, 2020, and the game ended in a tie 8-8 with an overtime win by the Boomerangs to win it. There were quite a few Maskwacis hockey fans in the seats and some Samson Councilors were on the ice…
There will be an Information Session in Edmonton on Tuesday November 19, 2019, at the Radisson hotel 4440 Gateway Boulevard from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Please bring your questions about the constitution and citizenship law. Facilitators will be Koren Lightning Earle and Eileen Saskamoose. Please see the poster for contact information.
There was a Repatriation Ceremony at the Riverside Cemetery for Maskwacis Veterans Joshua Daniel and Henry Larocque and the Canadian Army was present for the event. The MC for the event was Elmer Rattlesnake and the drum group was Mountain Cree. Chief Vernon Saddleback was present along with a few Samson Councilors. Samson Councilor Danny…
There were three Information Sessions in Pigeon Lake, the HBMC in Samson and Calgary regarding the constitution and citizenship law. Below is a story from those sessions from the Acimowin (Samson’s newsletter). November 5, 2019 There was referendum information sessions in Pigeon Lake and the HBMC in Samson and Koren Lightning Earle and the Samson…
Nîpisihkopâwiyiniwak – Citizens of Samson Cree Nation, Here are your upcoming Information Sessions regarding Samson Cree Nation Paminikewwîyasiwewin – Constitution and Citizenship Law in November 2019. Here are the dates and locations: As well, please view the Referendum 2019 information on the pull down menu on the front of the SCN Website.