St. Eugene Owners Celebration Pow wow located in Cranbrook, BC.
On June 24th, 2018 the Samson Cree Nation communications department member (Guide Fluery) was in attendance at the St. Eugene Owners Celebration Pow wow, which took place at the St. Eugene Resort located in Cranbrook, BC. This family orientated event was open to the public and had other events such as, dance specials, speaking earth…
Congratulations to all the new graduates!!
On behalf of Samson Cree Nation, I would like to send out a huge congratulations to all the High school graduates from the Samson Cree Nation and Maskwacis area!! There were many graduations that took place within Maskwacis and surrounding areas. Here is a bit of information from some of the graduation ceremonies. The Wetaskiwin…
Sod Turning Ceremony – opening remarks and interviews
Opening remarks and interviews from the Sod turning ceremony for the new waste water facility that was held on Friday May 18, 2018. The old lagoons on one mile will be drained and a pipeline will be built to the Battle River for discharge of treated waste water. Temporary employment will be available for nation…
Former National Hockey League (NHL) player Norm Lacombe was at the Four Nations Arena in Samson teaching the youth some skills to improve their game.
On February 7, 2018 Former National Hockey League (NHL) player Norm Lacombe was at the Four Nations Arena in Samson teaching the youth some skills to improve their game. Volunteer coach Darren Simon was interviewed at the Cree Market about the clinic. February 20, 2018 Guide: Tell me about Norm Lacombe’s visit here. Darren: He…
Interview with Tyleigh Buffalo – Voyage Across the Atlantic.
Tyleigh Buffalo is from Samson Cree Nation and was one of 45 Youth to voyage across the Altantic to Le’ Havre France, on a tall ship. They left from the port of Halifax. Friday, September 08, 2017. Guide: Can you tell me, was it the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) that sponsored this trip? Tyleigh:…
Kisoniyaminaw Heritage Trust Fund
The annual general meeting took place with regard to the trust fund. Below is a picture of the participants. Here are some up to date information on the 2017 trust fund: Chair’s Presentation to Chief and Council August 2017 Trustees’ bios 2017 final FS – June 30 2017 Annual Report Revision FINAL High Res …
Nipisihkopahk Acimowin Samson Newsletter New Edition
Tansi, here is the latest edition of the Nipisihkopahk Acimowin Samson newsletter. There is link you can click on to take you to the ISSU webpage and a PDF document you can read it on. Hai Hai Volume6Issue9