MHS Evaluation by MNP

MCTC has hired MNP to do an evaluation on the Maskwacis Health Services (MHS). A gift card will be given away for completing the survey. Adobe PDF: Community Survey Communication Samson Samson Twitter link:  

The Acimowin Volume 8 Issue 13

The Acimowin, Samson Cree’s local newsletter volume 8 issue 13: Pope Francis visit, media advisory, Team Alberta Lacrosee tryout information, Referendum Information Sessions dates and locations and Referendum polling stations dates and locations. Issuu link: Adobe PDF: volume8issue13

Media Advisory for July 21, 2022, Samson

Media Personnel: Samson communications department is scheduling interviews with Samson Elders and Chief Vernon Saddleback for July 21, 2022, at 1 PM in the Samson Administration building. The first 15 media personnel will be accommodated. Concerning the Pope Francis’s visit July 25 in Maskwacis. Please Register with Guide, Samson communications department by Wednesday July 20.…

Samson Pow Wow

We are having our pow wow August 12-14, 2022, at Bear Park in Maskwacis. Here are some past pow wows on Youtube: Golden Age & Mens Buckskin: Grand Entry 2019

The Acimowin Volume 8 Issue 10

The Acimowin, Samson Cree’s local newsletter, volume 8 issue 10: Vendors wanted for Samson pow wow, Native Gallery in Lake Louise and Violet Soosay motor cycle escort to Maskwacis: Adobe PDF volume8issue10 Issuu link