I would like to begin by thanking all the sponsors personally for your generous donation and/or effort in assisting the NSS Travel Club this year. You have taken part in brightening the future of our students at NSS. The Travel Club is designed to engage students in experiential learning, as well as reward them for being responsible citizens of the school community.
The students who attended this trip this year sincerely appreciated your efforts in helping make this trip possible. As you know the NSS Travel Club went to California on March 21-28. When we were there we visited Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World, Hollywood, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, Venice Beach, Santa Monica Beach, and various shopping destinations.
The students learned about the process of travelling, lessons on how to be independent, and about other cultures. The value of experiential learning can be heard in the student’s stories about their trip. I hope that as each student moves forward they remember that there are many opportunities in the world, especially through education, and it is important that they do not let them pass by.
Thank you on behalf of the NSS Travel Club for making this trip possible.
Brandy Keith – Club Coordinator