Peace Hills General Insurance will be at the Economic Development Trade Show May 20th and 21st. Stop by our booth and don’t forget to bring your resume. You can take the Insurance and Risk Management Careers quiz and ask us about the exciting educational and career opportunities Peace Hills Insurance offers. The Newiyaw Award, honouring a Samson Band Member who instills business awareness and community pride within Samson Cree Nation, will be presented at the Economic Development Trade Show Gala the evening of May 20th. Nominations are open until May 9, 2014, contact Debi Corden at the Peace Hills Insurance Edmonton office for an application: 1-800-272-5614 or
Congratulations to all the athletes, coaches, managers, and parents who participated in the 2014 Alberta Native Hockey Provincials. Peace Hills General Insurance proudly provided sponsorships for Samson Band Members who took part in this event. Have a wonderful spring and in the June issue of Nipisihkopahk Acimowinlook for another update on the many ways Peace Hills General Insurance is involved in your community.