You are invited to “Superhero 5km Run/Walk: Be a hero for a Child with Autism”. Come out for a fantastic day of fun and laughter for a great cause! Leave your secret identity behind and show off your best superhero costume! All proceeds will go to Mario’s Son Rise program, which is an in-home therapy program for our child with Autism. The funds raised from this event will assist a team of volunteers with travel costs to the Autism Treatment Center of America for training purposes. The son-rise program provides Mario with Autism Spectrum Disorder the opportunity to work with a wonderful group of volunteers that inspire him to develop important skills for his everyday life. The Son-rise program has already changed Mario’s life and has inspired him to develop many skills that will help him to grow and become independent. This program has allowed his family the hope and to accept their child, during a time when we were lead to believe that he would require to take care of himself. Your support will provide Mario’s family with the opportunity of a lifetime to take him to a facility that has worked with thousands of children and many families, providing them with the skills and understanding of caring for a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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