On January 24 and 25, 2015 six boxers from Maskwacis traveled to Whitecourt, Alberta to compete in the sub novice/bronze gloves tournament. Tyrell Foureyes lost in the finals with a split decision, which was a very close bout. He was awarded a bronze medal. Next, Tyrell Crier also had a tough match against an undefeated fighter in which he came short on points which landed him a silver medal. Josh Morin made it to the finals, although he lost the fight he did receive a silver medal. Then Aaron Lightning, who knocked his guy down in the first round and unfortunately took an elbow in the eye in the second round that would cause the doctor to stop the fight. Aaron finished with a silver medal as well. The most exciting fight to watch was Shane Saskatchewan who was matched with a fighter from Afghanistan. Shane’s opponent would keep coming at him, but he fought with all his heart and would not go down. People were amazed and so was his opponent at how Shane stood his ground like a true warrior. Shane won a bronze medal. Our last fighter would be Winston Saskatchewan, who received a gold medal because his opponent backed out on him.
We would like to thank Charmaine, the Recreation department, Samson Chief and Council, Erminskin Chief and Council and Ermineskin recreation. And a special thanks to Erwin Ward for getting the Boxing club started at the Jim Rattlesnake building in Ermineskin. Also, coaches Joey Saskatchewan And Les Crier would like to say they are proud of the boys.