2020 Election Question
This election question is for the off reserve Samson Band Members. There is an email contact below so please email your answer Yes or No. Deadline: Thursday May 28, 2020.
Toll Free: 1-800-661-2579
This election question is for the off reserve Samson Band Members. There is an email contact below so please email your answer Yes or No. Deadline: Thursday May 28, 2020.
The Acimowin, Samson’s local newsletter, volume 7 issue 22. https://amp.issuu.com/visual-stories/OMPEO2H5IsW
The Samson Cree Nation Acimowin newsletter volume 7 issue 21.
The Samson Cree Nation Economic Development Career Fair 2020 has been cancelled. Please phone 780-585-3793 ext. 246 for more details or email: econdev@samsoncree.com
Samson Emergency Management has declared a Curfew In Effect as of now. Time will be from 10 PM to 6 AM until further notice. Also, the annual nation Spring Clean Up will be on May 1, 2020; please contact 780 585 3793 ext. 226 for more details or see poster below.
The Acimowin Volume 7 Issue 20. April 2020 edition on the covid 19 pandemic. Samson Cree’s local newsletter.
Mâskwâcîs Cree Declare a State of Emergency, here is the complete Coverage, which includes the Mâskwâcîs Chiefs and Dr. Wilton Littlechild. #Maskwacis#StateOfEmergency2020
Samson Cree Nation Programs and Services is closed for two weeks starting Monday, March 23, 2020 to Friday, April 3, 2020 However, our ESSENTIAL SERVICE EMPLOYEES will continue to provide needed services for nation members:Fire FightersPublic Works Dept.Maintenance Dept.ElectriciansPlumbersGas Co-op OperatorsAmbulancePeace KeepersWater Operators This is our proactive approach to keep the Nation members and staff…
We are excited to announce Our new frequency 93.5 for Hawk Radio. We are holding a contest with prizes available, As Hawk Radio serves the entire Maskwacis area, we are holding a daily contest until March 31, 2020 on Kistew Maskwa morning show from 10:00 am – 10:30 and Bobby Jack’s afternoon show from 2:00…
Here are the Samson Cree Emergency Contact Numbers