Samson Cree Nation Programs and Services is closed for two weeks starting Monday, March 23, 2020 to Friday, April 3, 2020
However, our ESSENTIAL SERVICE EMPLOYEES will continue to provide needed services for nation members:
Fire Fighters
Public Works Dept.
Maintenance Dept.
Gas Co-op Operators
Peace Keepers
Water Operators
This is our proactive approach to keep the Nation members and staff safe from COVID19.
We ask all Samson Cree Nation members to continue to help prevent the spread of COVID19 by taking pre-cautions such as self-isolating if you are feeling ill.
for more information contact our Emergency Management Team Lead: Harper Potts at 780-335-0303 or Kevin Johnson at 780-362-2197
#samsoncreenation #maskwacis #COVID19 #safety