Acimowin Newsletter Vol 9 Issue 29 – August 16, 2024
Highlights: Samson Cree Nation Celebration 2024 Ethan Bear Hockey Camp SCN pow-wow winners Employment Opportunities vol9issue29
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Highlights: Samson Cree Nation Celebration 2024 Ethan Bear Hockey Camp SCN pow-wow winners Employment Opportunities vol9issue29
The Nipisihkopahk Iyiniswin Trust Fund (NITF) 2020 Awards: 40th anniversary awards hosted by Samson Councilor Mario Swampy:
From Loretta Lambert: Notice is hereby given to all electors of the Samson Cree Nation that Danny Buffalo has withdrawn his name as a candidate for the Tuesday August 18, 2020, new election for councilor. PDF attachment available below:
From Loretta Lambert, Chief Electoral Officer. The following are the candidates for the council election coming up Tuesday July 28, 2020, in Samson, Pigeon Lake, Edmonton and Calgary.
The Acimowin Volume 7 Issue 20. April 2020 edition on the covid 19 pandemic. Samson Cree’s local newsletter.
Here is the Acimowin (Samson’s local newsletter). Volume 7 Issue 19.
Back in September 2019, Samson Councilor Kurt Buffalo organized a Buffalo Signing Treaty with the Four Nations of Maskwacis, the Peepeekisis Cree Nation and the Woodland Cree Nation. This is one of a few Buffalo Signing Treaties between the First Nations of North America. The buffalo disappeared about 150 years ago from the North American…
There were three Information Sessions in Pigeon Lake, the HBMC in Samson and Calgary regarding the constitution and citizenship law. Below is a story from those sessions from the Acimowin (Samson’s newsletter). November 5, 2019 There was referendum information sessions in Pigeon Lake and the HBMC in Samson and Koren Lightning Earle and the Samson…
Nîpisihkopâwiyiniwak – Citizens of Samson Cree Nation, Here are your upcoming Information Sessions regarding Samson Cree Nation Paminikewwîyasiwewin – Constitution and Citizenship Law in November 2019. Here are the dates and locations: As well, please view the Referendum 2019 information on the pull down menu on the front of the SCN Website.
There will be a community engagement in Pigeon Lake/Mameo Beach on Thursday November 7, 2019, starting at 12:00 PM and going until 1:00 PM. The topic: Housing, Trades and Public Works. Please see the poster for contact details.