The Samson Cree Nation requested for a constructed trail along side Highway 611 East, Which was a community discussion that took place over 20-year period. In 1983, the constructed highway along 611 raised a serious concern amongst community members who recognized the increase of vehicle accidents and death related fatalities along the highway, The people form the community who accessed the route on foot from their country homes into the town for business faced constant uneasiness. The Fear came from the inevitable reality that an accident may occur at any given moment. The Samson Cree Nation has been walking the path of the highway since they can remember, Before the Structure of Highway 611 East, Old walking Trails crisscrossed through the area, Currently there is no other route that provides an area for walkers except the narrow shoulder area of the highway. In November 2012 discussions would lead into a planning process and as a result a committee with Samson Cree Nation members was formed. Alberta Trail Net provided the experience and excitement to create with this community initiative. A timely course of action, research and cooperation with a signed agreement between the Samson Cree Nation and the Alberta Transportation, Although both parties had no experience with a building of a trail, a communicated and respectable learning environment was created. Meetings, discussions, phone calls and back and forth emails took 9 months right into the construction phase that inspired an enthusiastic process. The cost sharing contribution of Alberta Transportation was in the form of $150,000.00 that included surveying and assessment of land with a design. The Samson Cree Nation equally shared with a financial cost and took a lead with finding additional dollars to prepare for the base construction of the trail. Using the nations own natural resources, manpower and equipment, the Samson Cree nation provided gratitude and a request for a blessing through a traditional pipe ceremony. The nation and its Community Initiatives Department along with the Pe’Sakastew Healing Centre, then prepared the work site by removing any obstruction material alongside the highway. The trail team hired additional members who were experts to building trails. Kowal Construction Ltd. assisted with supervising the construction of the trail, and a foreman form the Samson Cree Nation whom leads the construction of the trail. On August 19, 2013 the nations partnering construction company, Samson Energy Services Ltd. “broke Ground”. The company with their commitment and dedication to the project is much appreciated. the Samson Cree Nation Public Works also contributed their time and to the collaborative effort of working together. Although the trail is not complete for walking it is already in use, the team is planning to finish the 10km trail with a gravel top. With continued financial support, the Samson Cree Nation aims to have the trail covered with Asphalt as soon as they are able to do so. The idea is to make the trail more accessible to meet the needs of the community and to support additional activities such as biking, skateboarding, rollerblading and running.
The walking trail committee would like to acknowledge the following for their contributions and support for the project:
Chief Kurt Buffalo and Council
Chief Marvin Yellowbird and Council
Alberta Transportation
Alberta Transportation
First Nations Development Fund
National Trail Coalition
Samson Cree Nation
Tina Northwest, Project Manager
Alberta Transportation,
Russ Watts , Dominique Arsenault
Adam Saltez, Trisha Bichel
Douglas Morgan, Cindy Buffalo
Cody Lightning, Jolene Lightning
Alberta Trail Net,
Linda Watson
Shannon Maliteare
Barbara Johnston
Alberta Culture and Community Services,
Victor Moisan
Jerry Johnson
N.E.A, N.E.A Maintenance,
Casey Roan & Staff
S.C.N Communications Department,
Jen Nepoose
Hobbema Mental Health
Maskwacis Ambulance
Income Support
Samson High School
Minor Hockey
Violet Soosay, Latiya Northwest
Chad Crane, Betty Simon
Flora Northwest, Leonard Nepoose
Cecil Crier, Perry Lightning
Wetaskiwin Agricultural Services,
Steve Majek
Wetaskiwin Public Works,
Rick Weatly
Ponoka, Larry L. Henkelman & John Jacobs
Committee Support
Margaret Montour, Laureen Omeasoo
Charmaine Crane
G.W Enterprises
Public Works,
Cyrus Baptiste & Staff
Al Cunningham Homes LTD
Nitro Trucking
Clayton Rocks
Samson Oil & Gas
Luke Omeasoo
Kowal Construction,
Harlow Fox
Brad Omeasoo , Mathew Omeasoo
Herbie Saddleback, Jamie Omeasoo
Murphy Louis, Percy Soosay
Dion Yellowbird Contracting
Gary Crier
Nigel Soosay
Craig Makokis
Conrad Potts
Jody Buffalo
Carey Mcgilvery, Shane Buffalo
Melisa Saskatchewan, Tanya Rain
Community Initiatives,
Debbie Buffalo and 2013 crew
Pesakastew and 2013 crew
Recreation Department & Staff
Samson Departments, Administration & Staff
Farm & Ranch
Samson Gas Co-op
Community Wellness
Samson Bingo Hall
Samson Management
Public Works
Curtis Erminskin (Erminskin Gas Bar)
Terry Buffalo –Rip Rock
Jasper Studio
Blue Quills First Nations University
Cree Elders