Alberta Transportation and 13 members of their staff from the Edmonton, Red Deer and Ponoka areas came out to visit the Samson Cree Nation Walking Trail. The visit was an opportunity for Alberta Transportation and staff to take a look at their contributions to the final product of a constructed trail. Amongst the visitors were the Assistant Deputy Minister of Transportation – Manon Plante and the Regional Director – Russ Watts, the others were staff members from the Engineering, Communications, Environmentalist and Maintenance departments of Alberta Transportation. Mr. Watts was instrumental to the project and spent some time in the community during the project planning and reporting to SCN leadership. In 2013 An agreement of partnership was signed between Samson Cree Nation Trail Development and Alberta Transportation, which included the expertise and funding dollars towards the trail project’s success. Since the forming of the partnership there has been continued funding towards the trail construction and trail maintenance from the First Nations Development Fund and the National Trails Coalition through the Government Alberta Action Plan. Samson Cree Nation is also a member of the Alberta Trail Net Society and with their expertise have donated their time towards the trail project. During the October 1, 2015 Trail Opening, in which SCN recognized it’s supporters and sponsors of the trail, a dialogue between Alberta Transportation and Alberta Trail Net Society opened up further communications in hopes of future opportunities to work together on similar projects, In addition, On October 14, 2015, Trail Committee Members – Laureen Omeasoo and Tina Northwest, returned their support, by dedicating their time and effort to the Trail Net Society’s fundraising event. Message from Tina Northwest: It has been a great privilege working on the trail project. There has not been a dull moment. The project was fast pace and overwhelming at times. The amount of planning, coordination, writing, administering, follow-up, negotiating along with avocation and relationship building proved successful. The project had many one on one-collaboration initiatives. Dealing with human services deemed the most challenging and in turn, the rewarding aspect was the actual construction and visual development of the trail. As a community member, I look forward to seeing more collaboration and ongoing development of the Samson Cree Nation. Working together can only achieve a more sustainable outcome to projects such as the trail, which is now an addition to other outdoor recreational facilities in Maskwacis. The Trail is for all ages to enjoy in physical participation, through positive socialization, as well as having a place to reconnect to ones mental, emotional, and spiritual space. Although the trail is not very wide it allows for the reconnection of oneself to the landscape, elements, vegetation and wildlife that encompasses our natural state of being. I look forward to witnessing the ongoing interests of the people that demonstrate their service for giving back to the community, and offer excitement for the youth who are yet to demonstrate their interests and hard work for their upcoming contribution to the continued future development of the Samson Cree Nation. I would again like to thank all the people who were acknowledged in the October 2015 News Letter. Special thanks to my husband and children for being understanding with the time lost, due to how consuming the work was. To Cindy Buffalo-Moosewah for providing the opportunity, to a student, to not only meet an educational requirement but also offer the rewarding experience of giving back to community, while gaining partial and summer employment. To Margaret Montour, the eldest of the ladies, who believed strongly in the project. To Charmaine Crane and Laureen Omeasoo for their continued optimism, for not giving up on the trail idea, and for being available when needed. To those 777 questionnaire participants that determined the need for the trail and to those out there who sent encouraging words and positive thoughts towards the project. Thank you to those driving along the highway, honking their vehicle horns, waving to pedestrians, encouraging their usage on the trail.