October 23, 2017
Communications Editor – Guide Fleury Interviews actor Mitch Saddleback, as he’s at a sweat behind the high school. Guide: Since we’re at a sweat Mitch, what’s your Indian Name? Mitch: White Wolf. Guide: Who’s your family? Mitch: I grew up with the Ermineskins. I’m a Saddleback but I didn’t grow up with the Saddlebacks. Guide: Who’s your Mom? Mitch: Melanie Littlechild. Guide: What movies have you played in the past? Mitch: I started acting when I was in high school. I got an agent in high school and through that agent I got a part in RCMP training video. I got a teen pregnancy documentary. This last year I wrapped “Hard Powder“. It’s a film going into the theatres with Liam Neeson. I’ve been doing plays mostly. Guide: What are you currently doing and what are your plans in the future?
Mitch: Right now we’re doing ain Edmonton. It’s an ensemble piece. It’s going to go up in the end of November. In the future I want to keep acting. I didn’t really see myself represented on screen when I was growing up. I want to be part of the voice that changes that. I want young native actors to ‘native act’ (laughs). When they see me I hope that they’re inspired by me and they want to
pursue art. I want young people to pursue art. Guide: How did you get into acting? Mitch: I’ve been acting my whole life. I’ve been wearing white people clothes (everyone laughs). I was always kind of creative. I always drew. I always wanted to make people laugh with comedy. I realized I had a gift when I make people laugh. Guide: We all have gifts so you think your acting is what you can give to the world? Mitch: I hope so. I’m doing my best acting. Getting back on my feet and paying my bills from acting is a really good feeling. Guide: What kind of advice do you have for people in Maskwacis who are interested in acting? Mitch: There’s drama programs in the schools. I felt really at home in drama and improv. That whole life is ceremony in itself. I really feel at home and comfortable on stage. Guide: Do you have any advice to the youth in Maskwacis? Mitch: If you love art keep doing it, don’t give up. There’s a lot of people that give up and they lose it. Just don’t give up on it. If you feel in your heart that’s what you want to do then you can do it. Guide: You have anything to say to the people? Mitch: I’m very honoured and proud of where I come from: Maskwacis. I hold it with me everywhere I go. Every project that I’m on I know where I’m from. Guide: How often do you sweat? Mitch: Every time I come home. There’s ceremony in Vancouver that I’m trying because that’s where I live. I try and look for ceremony there too. There’s a lot of Elders there and a really lot of powerful people that I met-in my circle. Guide: Is there anything else you want to say? Mitch: It’s a big, scary world out there and you meet a lot of people who have their own agenda. It’s a really powerful time right now. Especially for women in the industry. A lot of voices are being heard that were never heard before. Our voices are starting be heard now and that makes me happy and proud.
Thank you Mitch Saddleback #SamsonCreeProud