The Reclaiming Our Knowledge Conference was held on January 25-27, 2016 at the Doubletree by Hilton. The conference hosted approximately 200 attendees and boasted presenters such as Dr Wilton Littlechild, Dr. Victor Buffalo, Waylon Pahona – Healthy Active Natives, Dr. Claudine Louis – Indian Residential Schools (Decolonization), Jeff Hunter – Power of Unity and Janet Fox – Traditional Parenting, just to name a few. The purpose of the Conference was to ensure our Culture and Language survives, therefore the Conference showcased Culture, Language, History, Traditional Knowledge such as traditional parenting, the importance of rites of Passage ceremonies, plant knowledge, energy balancing, Men’s healing and addictions, goal setting and storytelling. Many of the presenters were from our Maskwacis Community and as far away as Tempe Arizona and Manitoba. The committee did a wonderful job in ensuring all the participants received a positive and engaging experience. We are looking forward to seeing the line up for “Reclaiming Our Knowledge 2017”.