Building relationships with First Nations organizations, communities, and people series.
Join us on June 18, 2014 from 9:00am – 3:00pm at the Maskwacis Cultural College. Participants will learn indigenous protocol and use protocol in a meaningful and respectful manner. This knowledge will enhance your understanding of the similarities and differences when working with indigenous people. Inclusive atmosphere is more than using Cree signs or artwork. Participants will take home a balanced holistic approach to life mind-set. This training is part of our National Aboriginal Day Celebrations. Ningwakwe (Rainbow Woman), aka Priscilla George, is a Deer Clan AnishnawbeKwe from the Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation will be presenting. Ningwakwe has been involved with cultivating indigenous training from the grass roots and international levels. Ningwakwe advocates for the holistic approach to life, which means recognizing and nurturing the Spirit, Heart, Mind and Body and all areas of life and relationship. This is the foundation for developing positive cultural identity, which gives us the skills to walk successfully in two worlds – the aboriginal and the non-aboriginal. Registration fee is $125 and there is a special registration fee for students and elders of $25. A Certificate of Participation will be provided and professional category A credits for social workers. Cheques to be made in the name of Maskwacis Cultural College. For more information contact Manisha Khetarpal toll free at 1-866-585-3925 or by e-mail at
Cree Language Instructor Training Program
July 14-August 1, 2014
The Cree Language Instructor Program will prepare you, as instructors of Cree Language, for employment in schools, colleges and other educational institutions. You will be able to transmit Cultural knowledge through language for studies towards a degree in linguistics, education with a focus on teaching aboriginal language, or a degree in Native Studies to further your knowledge of the Cree Language.
The CLITP Diploma is earned by completing four courses over three summer session:
SUMMER ONE: CLIPT 110- Instruction Methods & Curriculum development. $1000.00 (incl. supplies)
SUMMER TWO: CLITP 112- Cree Literacy & Structure $1000.00 (incl supplies)
SUMMER THREE: CLIPT 113- Cultural Foundations of Cree Culture $650.00 (incl. supplies)
CLITP 115- Managing the Cree Language Program $650.00 (incl. supplies)
CLIPT 117- Plains Cree Syllabics $650.00 (incl. supplies)
For more information please contact the Registrar’s Office at (780) 585-3925
Indian Residential School Settlement- Personal Credits
The Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement stipulates that once all Common Experience Payments (CEP) have been made, if more that $40 million remaining the Trust Fund, the funds are to be made available to CEP Recipients upon application in the form of non-cash Personal Credits of up to $3000.00 each for educational purposes.
– CEP Recipients will be able to choose to transfer their Personal Credits to certain Family Members as defined in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and the Terms and Conditions;
– Terms and Conditions for the Personal Credits have been developed by Canada and the Assembly of First Nation and by Canada and Inuit Representatives to determine which Education Entities and Group and which Educational Programs and Services are eligible;
– Once the Personal Credits have been distributed, any amount remaining in the Trust Fund on January 1, 2015 is to be paid to the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund and the Inuvialuit Education Foundation to be used for educational purposes.
Important Deadlines:
– Deadline to submit your Personal Credits Acknowledgement From: POSTMARKED by October 31, 2014.
– Deadline for Education Entity or Group to submit Personal Credits Redemption From: POSTMARKED by December 01, 2014.
– All inactive files will be closed on December 01, 2014.
Maskwacis Cultural College was notified that we have been approved as one of the Educational Entities where Personal Credits for the Indian Residential School Settlement can be redeemed.
Please contact Wayne Reindeer, Special Projects Coordinator for MCC at (780) 585-3925 if you have any questions.